Friday, 9 October 2009

Metal Properties

Basic Knowledge
- Ferrous metals- Contains iron and carbon.
- Non ferrous- Does not contain iron.
- Ferrous alloys- Mixture of one or more metals. At leats one of them containing iron and carbon.
- Non ferrous alloys- Mixture of two or more metals and niether of them containing iron and carbon.

Mild steel- Quite strong and cheap, but rusts easily and cant be hardened or tempered.
- Car bodies
- Nuts and bolts

High carbon steel- Harder than mild steel and cant be hardened and tempered. Difficult to work and rusts easily.
- Drills
- Tiles
- Chisels
- Saws

Cast iron- Hard, however brittle order impact.
- Machine parts
- Brake disks
- Engines

Non ferrous metals
Aluminium- Light wieght and corrosion resistant. Expensive and not as strong as steel.
- Aeroplanes
- Cars
- Ladders

Brass- Quite strong, corrosion resistant, malleable, ductile and looks good.
- Door furniture
- Etrical parts

Copper- Relatively soft, malleable and ductile and is a good electrical conductor.
- Wires
- Piping

Ferrtous alloys
- Stainless steel
- High speed steel
- Dies (tool) steel

Non ferrous alloys
- Brass
- Bronze
- Duralumin

Where does metal come from ?
Gold is the only metal that is extracted and usable without processing. The others are found in ores.

Metal ores
Copper- Chalcopyrite
Iron- Magneite, haematite
Tin- Cassiterite
Aluminium- Bauxite
Lead- Gralena
Zinc- Zinc blende

25% of the earths core is made out of ores. The more rare the more it costs. Aluminium is most common.

Iron (ferrite) converted from ore by heating. Impuraties (slag) removed from the surface. Cimbined with the carbon for more strength.

Steel- Iron and carbon. Amount of carbon determines strength. Alloymy increases properties. - Toughness and corrosion.

Carbon- Foud in the earth with is made from coal and iamond. Amount of carbon in steel determines strength and hardeness BUT increases how brittle.

More carbon= more hardness/ less ductile/ more brittle.


Metal Melting piont (degress) Uses and properties
Aluminium 660 Kitchen weare, saucepans
Copper 1083 Water and gas pipes- wire
Gold 1063 Jewellery
Lead 330 Construction and roofing

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